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Refund/Cancellation Policy

Preparation of your order can begin immediately after your order has been confirmed. We cannot accept cancellations once your order has been confirmed online. Advance orders may be cancelled 2 hours before the scheduled delivery time at our discretion. Please call the store to find out if your order is eligible for cancellation. Gift cards are not returnable/refundable. Addressing customer requests for refunds on orders will be the sole discretion of the Extreme Pizza location where you placed your order. Contact the store directly to request a full or partial refund.

If you are not completely satisfied with your meal and did not consume a significant portion of it, you should immediately contact the location from which it was purchased to discuss a refund, credit or replacement. All refund decisions are made at the local store level and are neither at the discretion nor are they the responsibility of the Extreme Pizza corporate office.

Security Statement

Extreme Pizza maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to help guard personally identifiable information. If transactions are offered on the Web Site or Application, transaction information is transmitted to and from Extreme Pizza in encrypted form using industry-standard Secure sockets Layer (SSL) connection to help protect such information from interception. Extreme Pizza restricts authorized access to your personal information to those persons who have a legitimate purpose to know that information to provide products and services to you and those persons you have authorized to have access to such information. Please be aware, however, that any email or other transmission you send through the internet cannot be completely protected against unauthorized interception.

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